Mappings with defined keys (Map)
Mappings of one value to another are represented by : in YAML and parsed as python dicts.
Using StrictYAML's 'Map' you can validate that a mapping contains the right keys and the right type of values.
Note: for mappings where you don't know the exact names of the keys in advance but you do know the type, use MapPattern.
Example yaml_snippet:
â: 1
b: 2
c: 3
from collections import OrderedDict
from strictyaml import Map, Int, load, as_document
from collections import OrderedDict
from ensure import Ensure
schema = Map({"a": Int(), "b": Int(), "c": Int()})
schema_2 = Map({u"â": Int(), "b": Int(), "c": Int()})
one key mapping:
x: 1
Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, Map({"x": Int()})).data).equals(OrderedDict([('x', 1)]))
key value:
Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema_2)[u'â']).equals(1)
get item key not found:
load(yaml_snippet, schema_2)['keynotfound']
cannot use .text:
load(yaml_snippet, schema_2).text
builtins.TypeError:YAML({'â': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) is a mapping, has no text value.:
parse snippet where key is not found in schema:
a: 1
b: 2
â: 3
load(yaml_snippet, schema)
while parsing a mapping
unexpected key not in schema 'â'
in "<unicode string>", line 3, column 1:
"\xE2": '3'
^ (line: 3)
sequence not expected when parsing:
- 1
- 2
- 3
load(yaml_snippet, schema)
when expecting a mapping
in "<unicode string>", line 1, column 1:
- '1'
^ (line: 1)
found a sequence
in "<unicode string>", line 3, column 1:
- '3'
^ (line: 3)
List not expected when serializing:
as_document([1, 2, 3], schema)
Expected a dict, found '[1, 2, 3]'
Empty dict not valid when serializing:
as_document({}, schema)
Expected a non-empty dict, found an empty dict.
Use EmptyDict validator to serialize empty dicts.
Unexpected key:
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4
load(yaml_snippet, schema)
while parsing a mapping
unexpected key not in schema 'd'
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 1:
d: '4'
^ (line: 4)
required key not found:
a: 1
load(yaml_snippet, schema)
while parsing a mapping
required key(s) 'b', 'c' not found
in "<unicode string>", line 1, column 1:
a: '1'
^ (line: 1)
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
assert [item for item in load(yaml_snippet, schema)] == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert as_document(OrderedDict([(u"â", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)]), schema_2).as_yaml() == yaml_snippet