Boolean (Bool)
Boolean values can be parsed using a Bool validator.
It case-insensitively interprets "yes", "true", "1", "on" as "True", "y" and their opposites as False.
Different values will trigger a validation error.
When updating boolean values on a YAML object with True or False, the roundtripped string version is set to "yes" and "no".
To have your boolean values updated to a different yes/no string, update with a string instead - e.g. "on" or "off".
Example yaml_snippet:
a: yes
b: true
c: on
d: 1
e: True
f: Y
u: n
v: False
w: 0
x: Off
z: no
from strictyaml import Bool, Str, MapPattern, load
from ensure import Ensure
schema = MapPattern(Str(), Bool())
Parse to YAML object:
Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema)).equals({
"a": True, "b": True, "c": True, "d": True, "e": True, "f": True,
"u": False, "v": False, "w": False, "x": False, "y": False, "z": False,
YAML object should resolve to True or False:
Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["w"]).equals(False)
Using .data you can get the actual boolean value parsed:
assert load(yaml_snippet, schema)["a"].data is True
.text returns the text of the boolean YAML:
Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["y"].text).equals("FALSE")
Update boolean values with string and bool type:
yaml = load(yaml_snippet, schema)
yaml['a'] = 'no'
yaml['b'] = False
yaml['c'] = True
a: no
b: no
c: yes
d: 1
e: True
f: Y
u: n
v: False
w: 0
x: Off
z: no
Cannot cast boolean to string:
str(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["y"])
Cannot cast 'YAML(False)' to str.
Use str( or str(yamlobj.text) instead.
Different uninterpretable values raise validation error:
load('a: yâs', schema)
when expecting a boolean value (one of "yes", "true", "on", "1", "y", "no", "false", "off", "0", "n")
found arbitrary text
in "<unicode string>", line 1, column 1:
a: "y\xE2s"
^ (line: 1)