Decimal numbers (Decimal)

StrictYAML parses to a YAML object representing a decimal, not the value directly to give you more flexibility and control over what you can do with the YAML.

This is what that can object can do - in many cases if parsed as a decimal, it will behave in the same way.

To get a python decimal.Decimal object, use .data.

Parsing and validating as a Decimal is best for values which require precision, like prices.

Example yaml_snippet:

a: 1.00000000000000000001
b: 5.4135
from strictyaml import Map, Decimal, load
from decimal import Decimal as Dec
from ensure import Ensure

schema = Map({"a": Decimal(), "b": Decimal()})

.data to get Decimal object:

Ensure(type(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["a"].data) is Dec).is_true()


Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema)).equals({"a": Dec('1.00000000000000000001'), "b": Dec('5.4135')})

Cast to str:

Ensure(str(load(yaml_snippet, schema)['a'])).equals("1.00000000000000000001")

Cast to float:

Ensure(float(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["a"])).equals(1.0)

Greater than:

Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["a"] > Dec('1.0')).is_true()

Less than which would not work for float:

Ensure(load(yaml_snippet, schema)["a"] < Dec('1.00000000000000000002')).is_true()

Cannot cast to bool:

bool(load(yaml_snippet, schema)['a'])
Cannot cast 'YAML(1.00000000000000000001)' to bool.
Use bool( or bool(yamlobj.text) instead.


a: string
b: 2
load(yaml_snippet, schema)
when expecting a decimal
found arbitrary text
  in "<unicode string>", line 1, column 1:
    a: string
     ^ (line: 1)

Executable specification

Documentation automatically generated from decimal.story storytests.